Engage in a career that means so much more than an income.Join a social enterprise, become your own boss, and help bring freedom to others.
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Many fair trade and survivor-made goods businesses have an opportunity for people to get involved by joining their business as entrepreneurs. You get to become business partners with women around the world who are making the products and enabling freedom for themselves and their families.
Three examples of those businesses are Better Way Imports, Trades of Hope, and Sseko Designs. By selling their products, you provide a market for the women making the products. The more you sell, the more freedom you enable. Check out these businesses and their stories below.
Better Way Imports - Freedom Fighters
Better Way Imports is a company bent on advancing the concept of dignity to those who were once caught in the sex trade through the means of empowering women to run their own freedom businesses. We are excited to inspire our reps to DO GOOD for the world around them while they DO WELL for their homes and families. This all revolves around sustainability and impact. Once you join our team, you create a relationship with our artisans that means far more than charity. You become business partners. Their income relies on you and yours on them! Better Way Imports chooses to partner with companies that see people at their full potential.
Sseko Designs is a fashion brand based in Uganda. Through the sale of beautiful handbags, accessories and leather sandals, we create opportunity and community for women globally.
We believe that every woman has a dream. When she has the opportunity to pursue those dreams, we are collectively walking towards a brighter, more just and beautiful world.
Sseko began as a way to generate income for high potential, talented young women in Uganda to continue on to university. And it has worked! Every woman who has graduated from Sseko has gone on to pursue higher education and is on her way to making our world a more beautiful place. This year, Sseko will enable our 106th woman to attend university—and we're sending our biggest class to date (nineteen) this year!
In addition to our university-bound team, Sseko also employs women from all walks of life. By creating an environment of dignity, honor and dedication, Sseko Designs provides the opportunity for women in East Africa to end the cycle of poverty and create a more equitable society.
Forms of Abolition:
Forms of Slavery:
Sex Trafficking,
Forced Labor,
Child Labor