Stop Using the Term Underage Women
The June 2019 arrest of billionaire Jeffrey Epstein has brought the issue of human trafficking into the news again. It is a good time to talk about how to refer to the victims and survivors of this evil.
The Children’s Protection Center (CPC) is a non-profit, child advocacy and safety center that works with members of the Pulaski County Multidisciplinary Child Abuse Team (“MDT” for short) which includes child protection personnel (DCFS), law enforcement professionals, child forensic interviewers, medical and mental health professionals, social workers, and victim assistance professionals. The CPC is an associate member of the National Children’s Alliance (NCA).
The Mission of the Children’s Protection Center is to provide a child-friendly facility where professionals work together to protect and treat child abuse victims and their families, to prevent child abuse in all its forms, and to hold offenders accountable.